The Complete Guide To Building A Healthy Marriage from the Start

Whether you're just starting your marriage adventure or have recently begun, this guide is here to give you important tips and helpful advice. Creating a strong and lasting marriage means you need to plan, talk, and understand each other. This guide will cover important topics and questions that are commonly asked when starting a relationship. As a premarital counselor, I’m here to help you find ways to build a loving and strong relationship with your partner from the very start and to utilize premarital counseling in that process.

How can you tell if you’re compatible with someone?

When you're dating someone and trying to figure out if you're a good match, it can be both exciting and tough. Sometimes you feel really close, but other times you might wonder if you're right for each other. It can be confusing, especially when you overthink things. Every little detail might start to feel super important, and you could worry that these small things mean you're not meant to be together.

There's also the worry that you're investing time and emotions in someone who might not be a good fit in the long run. You're afraid of wasting your time on something that won't work out. Every relationship has disagreements and differences, and this might make you question if these differences mean you shouldn't be together. Your past experiences can also bring up doubts. If you've had bad relationships before, you might worry about repeating the same mistakes or facing the same problems again. This is why figuring out compatibility matters.

In a relationship, compatibility is shown through different signs. When you and your partner have similar beliefs and life goals, it creates a strong foundation and helps you support each other's dreams. Being honest when you talk and listening to each other helps you understand each other better. Even though having your own hobbies is important, doing things together makes you happy and close. Feeling like yourself without being judged builds a strong emotional connection. Solving problems and handling disagreements calmly show that you make a good team. Trust, which comes from being honest and respecting each other, is very important. Encouraging each other to grow and supporting each other's goals is a sign of a healthy relationship. Having similar lifestyles makes planning for the future easier, and finding the right balance between time spent together and apart keeps things going well. Being able to adjust when life changes come up shows compatibility, and feeling joyful and true to yourself around your partner matters too.

How Long Should You Be Together Before Getting Engaged?

Deciding to get engaged is a personal choice, and there isn't a fixed answer for everyone. Making the right decision for you and your partner involves considering your feelings and thoughts. If you're unsure, premarital counseling can help you decide if you're prepared for the next step. Many counselors suggest dating for about a year before getting engaged. This gives time to learn more about each other, face challenges, and experience different stages of the relationship.

However, the ideal dating period can differ due to factors like age, maturity, culture, values, and goals. Some couples may feel ready sooner, while others prefer a longer dating time.

What's crucial is open communication about feelings, expectations, and long-term plans. It's vital to truly understand each other and share compatible values. Talking about marriage and the future ensures both partners are ready for such a commitment.

Why is a year often suggested before engagement? While not a strict rule, there are reasons experts recommend this timeframe. It helps:

  • Getting to know each other: Spending a year together lets you understand beliefs, likes, and dislikes, deepening your connection.

  • Handling different stages: Experiencing various relationship phases shows if you can tackle challenges together.

  • Creating shared memories: A year of shared experiences builds a strong bond.

  • Meeting loved ones: Integrating into each other's lives takes time and understanding.

  • Observing personal growth: A year reveals if personal growth aligns and if you can grow together.

  • Facing challenges: Handling ups and downs showcases problem-solving skills.

  • Discussing the future: A year allows conversations about careers, family, and life goals.

How can I make my marriage successful?

Making your marriage successful involves a mix of things that both partners work on together. There’s a lot that could be said about this topic but here are some of the highlights.  Communication is super important – talking and listening to each other helps you understand each other's thoughts and feelings. Be open and honest about your needs and concerns. It's also good to show appreciation and respect for each other, even in small ways. Spending quality time together helps keep your connection strong.

It's natural for couples to have disagreements, but the key is to handle them in a healthy way. Try to understand each other's points of view and find solutions together. Supporting each other's dreams and goals is crucial too – when you both feel like you're growing together, it makes the relationship stronger.

Finally, consider seeking premarital counseling if you’re considering getting married so you can learn how to have a good marriage from the start. Marriage counseling can also help if you're facing bigger challenges that could be addressed with a couples therapist. Talking to a premarital counselor or a marriage counselor can give you tools to work through issues and strengthen your marriage even more.

What builds a happy marriage?

Creating a happy marriage requires nurturing and emotional safety. It means making a place where both partners feel safe and valued. Communication is critical in building trust and helping each other feel secure and the relationship is built on trust. Talking about your thoughts and listening to your partner's feelings is really important. 

 Being truthful, reliable, and keeping promises makes this foundation strong. Taking care of your marriage means spending good time together, almost like giving your relationship a drink of water. Facing challenges together and understanding each other's differences is like taking care of the garden during rough weather. Supporting each other's dreams and being there during tough times helps both of you grow and flourish. Remember, a happy marriage isn't about being perfect. It's about working together and tending to your connection. Just like plants need care to stay healthy, your marriage needs effort, patience, and love to grow beautifully.

How does premarital counseling help?

Premarital counseling is a helpful tool that gets you and your partner ready for a strong and healthy marriage right from the beginning.  During these premarital counseling sessions, you both talk about the important things that matter in your relationship. You learn how to communicate better, solve problems, and understand each other's feelings.

Premarital counseling also shows you how to support each other's goals, how to be there for each other, and meet one another's needs.  It's kind of like having a coach who gives you advice on how to work together. Through these conversations, you also discuss things like money, family, and making important decisions as a team.

By addressing possible challenges and learning good ways to handle them early on, you're building a solid base for your marriage. Think of it like constructing a strong building – you want it to stay steady even if tough times come along. 

What’s the Difference Between Marriage Counseling and Premarital Counseling?

Relationships have their ups and downs, and that's where counseling can help. But what's the difference between premarital and marriage counseling? Let's find out.

Marriage Counseling: Think of your relationship like a house that's been around for a while, but you've noticed cracks in the walls and leaks in the roof. Sometimes, you and your partner might argue or feel distant. That's where marriage counseling comes in. It's like calling a repair person to help fix these issues in your relationship.

In marriage counseling, you and your partner talk with a counselor. They guide you in discussing your concerns and feelings. The counselor helps you understand each other better and gives you tools to solve problems and work as a team. The goal is to fix the problems and make your relationship stronger.

Premarital Counseling: Now, imagine you and your partner are planning to build a new house together. Before you even start, you want to make sure you're on the same page and can work well together. That's what premarital counseling is for.

In premarital counseling, you and your partner talk about important things like values, how you'll handle challenges, and your future. The counselor helps you understand each other's hopes and learn good ways to talk and solve problems. This prepares you for a strong marriage.

In short, marriage counseling fixes problems like a repair person fixes a house, while premarital counseling gets you ready for a strong start, like planning a new house on a solid foundation. Both types of counseling give you guidance and tools to improve your relationship, no matter where you are in your journey.

What are the Top 3 Things Couples Should Discuss During Premarital Counseling?

Premarital counseling is a great way to prepare for marriage from the start. It's important to know what topics to talk about and how they can help your relationship. Since your marriage is important, you want it to be healthy and happy. In these counseling sessions, we'll focus on some key areas:

  • Communication:

    Good communication is crucial for a strong relationship. We'll explore how you both talk, share feelings and handle conflicts. Learning new ways to communicate can make you feel closer and prevent issues from getting worse in the future.

  • Shared Values, Goals, and Expectations:

    Being on the same page about your beliefs, dreams, and what you expect is important. We'll discuss religion, family plans, careers, and finances. Talking openly helps you understand each other better and align your visions for the future.

  • Finances:

    Money matters can cause stress, so we'll talk about your financial situations, spending habits, and goals. Planning how to manage money together can build trust and stability in your marriage.

  • Bonus- Sexual Intimacy:

    Talking about this topic is crucial as it affects your relationship. Openly discussing it helps you understand each other and feel closer. You'll learn what you both want and can address any worries early on, building trust and emotional closeness.

These sessions provide a safe space to address past experiences or concerns, and they lay a strong foundation for a successful and joyful marriage.

What Are Typical Premarital Counseling Questions?

While premarital counseling is about us discussing topics together rather than just asking you a list of questions, these questions can help you and your partner start discussing these topics together. 

  • How do both of you handle disagreements and fights?

  • What's your way of talking? Are you comfortable sharing what you want and how you feel?

  • What do you picture your daily routines as a married couple? What tasks will each of you do?

  • How much time do you think you'll spend with families and friends?

  • How will you manage money together? Will you have one account, separate ones, or a mix?

  • What are your short and long-term money goals?

  • What do you think about debt? How will you deal with it?

  • How will you decide on spending and saving money?

  • Do you want kids? If yes, how many and when?

  • If both of you work, how will you take care of kids?

  • How will you teach and raise your children?

  • How will your families be part of your life and choices?

  • How do you show love and care for each other?

  • How do you talk about what you like and don't like in private moments?

  • How often do you expect to be intimate?

  • How will you deal with changes in your physical relationship over time?

  • What do you want to do for work? How will you support each other's work goals?

  • How do you see your roles in different parts of life?

  • What are your big goals for your life, and do they match?

  • What do you believe in spiritually? How will you include it in your married life?

  • How important is faith in your decisions?

  • Are there different beliefs that might cause problems?

  • Who will do what around the house?

  • Are there chores you like or dislike?

  • What if things change, like having kids or different jobs?

  • How do you solve disagreements now? How could you do it better?

  • Are there past things that affect how you argue?

  • How can you talk about problems without fighting?

  • How do you help each other when things are hard?

  • Do either of you have mental health worries? Can you share them?

  • How will you take care of each other's feelings?

  • What things do you both enjoy doing together?

  • How will you make time for fun and relaxation?

Premarital counseling in Utah will help you build a healthy marriage before it begins

A map of Utah representing how Marcus Hunt Therapy has offices in Provo, Utah and outside of St. George, Utah.

In premarital counseling, you'll get the chance to talk about possible challenges and learn how to deal with them. You'll explore how to communicate openly, listen well to each other, and find solutions when things are hard. This helps you build trust and better understanding, which are important for a good marriage. With a premarital counselor's help, you'll also learn more about each other's dreams, wishes, and worries. This way, you can support each other in the best way possible. Through premarital counseling, you're not just starting a marriage; you're building a strong partnership that can last a long time.

Begin working with a premarital counselor in Utah 

Ready to start your journey towards a strong and lasting marriage? Begin by working with a premarital counselor in Utah. Take the first step today and invest in your future together by starting premarital counseling at this Utah Counseling Clinic. To start counseling follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation 

  2. Meet with a premarital counselor

  3. Start working on your relationship 

About the Author 

Marcus Hunt, AMFT, is a dedicated and experienced Associate Marriage and Family Therapist at Marcus Hunt Therapy in Utah. With a passion for helping couples and individuals navigate the complexities of relationships, Marcus brings a wealth of knowledge and empathy to his work. Holding a degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, he is committed to providing a safe and supportive space for clients to explore their feelings, communicate effectively, and foster meaningful connections. Marcus believes in the power of therapy to empower individuals and couples to overcome challenges and achieve their relationship goals. With a warm and non-judgmental approach, Marcus Hunt is here to guide you on your journey toward healthier and happier relationships.


What Are the Odds of a Successful Second Marriage?


What Are Typical Premarital Counseling Questions?